And here's the inside of the tag, with baking instructions. Note what's written on the left: "'Perfect Serve' Cookies - Guaranteed to Give You a Perfect Serve!"
And here's what they look like from the backside, where you can see the contents:
And here's the whole big old stack of them, 14 in all for my whole team. I "accidentally" made one for myself too.
Finally, I made up a batch and took this lovely photo, complete with tennis ball decorations.
FYI - 1. My husband wanted to make these for everyone in his office so we were already doing them as a family project. 2. We had to make 52 of them for the office! 3. The ones I made for my tennis team are much cuter than the ones for the office. 4. I ate a lot of these cookies after I made them and my serve is pretty much the same. Oh well.
I'm not going into the whole recipe for these things as you can Google "cookies in a jar" and get a gazillion different recipes. Unless of course there is an overwhelming outcry for me to post the recipe. I just thought this was too cute and vaguely tennis-related so I knew you'd all want to see. Happy Holidays!
© Kim Selzman 2009
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